Jumat, 24 Februari 2012


 1. The definition of race
Race is a classification system that is used to categorize human populations or large groups and different through the geographical origin, phenotype characteristics, physical and a tribal faces are based. In the early 20th century the term was often used in the biological sense to appoint a diverse human populations in terms of members who have the genetic phenotype  the same.  the meaning of  race is still used in forensic anthropology (in analyzing the rest of bones), biomedical research and medicine based on origin.
When people define and use one specific to understand  race, they create a social reality in which applied a particular social categorization. Therefore, race  is seen as invalid constructs. Invalid constructs that thrive in various legal contexts, economic and socio-political entity, and may be more a consequence than a cause of social reality.
Although many scientists holds that  race is an invalid constructs social, most experts agree that  race has a real impact of the material in the perhunian, the process of legal discrimination, political practices, education etc. Omi and Winant's theory about the formation of the race saying that  race is a concept that mengartika and symbolizes the conflict and social interests through pengacuan on the type of physical human beings are different.
The meaning and intent of the term race is generated and used by social institutions through the view of the nature of culture. Omi and Winant, since academics has compiled and revisit the meaning of  race  as a social construction by researching how to Vignette, and asumsio regarding the ' race ' formulated in everyday life
2.      The impact of race
Socio economic factors and, in combination with early but enduring views of race, berakibatkan is a huge pain in the Group of internally displaced persons. Racial discrimination often coincide with the racist mindset, in which the individual and the ideology of one group seeing members of the other groups as a ' particular ' racially inferior morally. Consequently, the group is not much power often alienated or oppressed, while dominant individuals and institutions accused of being racist.
The impact of Rasism is   many examples of tragedy, including slavery and genosid. Scholars continue to debate the degrees to which racial categories are biologically warranted and socially constructed, as well as the extent to which the realities of race must be acknowledged in order for society to comprehend and address racism adequately.The aplication of race in the education.
3.        The impact of race in the education
An awful lot of impact on the world of education only rasism is because of the difference races. for example international elementary school which contained many differences between students with each other, so they don't want to hang out. students just want to hang out with friends who came from the same area. Maybe that's because they are not fitting when talking with friends of different races. the difference in the races that then students don't want to know about the culture of the culture that existed in the area where his friend lives.

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Global youth culture

In a meeting with my group and I had a discussion about the culture of the young boy who is in the town of temanggung. Mostly in our city, the young man is reluctant to walk to take a journey, be it a short distance or long distance. They always use personal vehicles or riding public transportation. This contrasts with the culture of young people in antiquity, who always tried to travel by foot.
In other groups, there is also a discuss about the dressing style of young people that are too sexy, and some are discussing about young people that are always modify his motorcycle to look cooler. Things that can affect a culture is all around us. And it happens because of the influence of its own media or means of communication. For example, media televisei, internet, magazines. Etc
Media-the media we can take positive and we waste in terms of negatives. As cointoh we must select their incoming foreign culture in our country. I hope this post could be useful for all of us

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

native speaker from australia

Last  tuesday we are arrival the speaker native from australia . her name is kirrilly. she was happy living in indonesia . at first he 's difficult to bed by in indonesia of audible sound of adzan in a mosque . while there a person who adzan not using a loudspeaker.
Her favourite  food in Indonesia is rending. She tell us about the culture in Australia. She tell us about the kind of  animals in Australia, beside that she tell us about the transportation, music, and market. There are many differences culture between indonesian culture and his country . she say that she has many friend in Australia who come from Indonesia. She say that indonesian people is friendly and so cute.